Dirty Deeds CX Race Report

Dirty Deeds CX Report, with apologies to Banjo Patterson and his poem Mulga Bill's Bicycle

'Twas a self righteous cyclist, that caught the CX craze;
He found a second hand steed, hoping it would serve him many days;
He dressed himself in Brunswick kit, resplendent to be seen;
He then hurried off to Entry Boss, although his skills were a little green;

And as he rolled in to the velodrome, with air of lordly pride,
The grinning Mr Pink said, "Excuse me, can you ride?"
"See here, Mr Pink," said the self righteous cyclist, "from Brunswick to the sea,
From Tawonga Gap to Omeo, there's none can ride like me.
I'm pretty average at everything, as everybody knows,
Although I'm not the one to talk - I hate a man that blows.
But CX is my special gift, my childhood delight;
Just ask a wild duck can it swim, a wildcat can it fight.
There's nothing clothed in lycra, or built of flesh or steel,
There's nothing walks or jumps, or runs, on axle, hoof, or wheel,
But what I'll clip in, go hard and take the corners tight:
I'll ride this here two-wheeled CX thing right out of sight."

'Twas a self righteous cyclist that sought his own abode,
That perched above Jones’ Park, beside the concrete road.
He turned the CX bike downhill and kept his opposition at bay,
He followed the front riders wheel like it was child’s play.
It stayed on track and rounded the bends, just like it knew its own way home,
It carried itself up that awful slope towards the velodrome.

It shaved a post by half an inch, it dodged a big wide log
The crowd was in applause as he dodged a roaming dog,  

The fans were cheering loudly, for CX was no longer underground,
The vibes were really pumping, as the crowd sat tight for every round.
With heart rates racing through the roof, they raced over grass, dirt, mud and scree,

They raced beside the thin white tape, as close as close could be;
And for 50 blissful minutes, 45 riders at their peak,
Showed what it meant to be the highlight of the week.

'Twas a self righteous cyclist, with new interests to explore,

He said, "I've seen some high heart rates, but none like that before”;
I've rode a bike around the hills to see how far I would get,
But this was the most fun on two wheels that I've encountered yet.
That two-wheeled CX thing is the best; It's a true test of nerve
To feel it whistle through the air and plunge and slide and swerve.

Dirty Deeds CX delivered, a velodrome experience of another kind,

Kudos to the organisers and the sausage chefs, on whose food we dined.

Mr Pink and Brunswick CC President Tony Maughan

Okay, self-righteous silliness aside, the Dirty Deeds CX at the Brunswick Velodrome on Sunday 4th August 2024, had a family festival vibe about it. Watching the 50 plus youngsters who were two or three years old and up, pin on a number and take on a lap of the velodrome course, following in the wheel marks of mum and dad, was pretty awesome to see.  At the other end of the scale, Myles Higgins, the Masters 10 (75-79) rider from Shepparton CC in Men’s C grade, showed his competitors that he wasn’t just there to make up the numbers.  Well done to everyone to competed, spectated, supported, organised, catered and officiated. 


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