
Showing posts from February, 2022

Sandy Woolley's Balwyn to Bright Gravel Adventure

Gravel Balwyn to Bright The idea came from a mate of my youngest. He set off early Jan on a solo venture from Sydney to Byron of self-discovery. He had done no training (aside from some social drinking and smoking) and had a hybrid! So, what was holding me back? With a barely used gravel bike, no job to get in the way and a weekend in Bright already planned, I decided I would set off the week before. As hard core as that sounds, one thing was very clear in my mind; it was credit card camping - no lugging a tent, sleeping bag or stove. If I was to be sweating it out during the day, I would be kicking back at night - shower, nice food and a real bed! Pleased with myself for coming up with the idea, I proceeded to do no planning. How hard could it be right? A week before departure, I realised some planning might be wise. How do I plan a course that keeps me off main roads? What is realistic distance for each day? Will I be ok on my own? While I wouldn’t need camping stuff, what would I ...