Self Righteous Runner with Unfinished Business
Transformation time; from self-righteous cyclist to self-righteous runner. Aside from being a dedicated cyclist I've run an average of one marathon a year for the past 15 years. Why running? The answer is simply time efficiency. When Paula and I started our family back in 2001 the 10-12 hours a week of triathlon training had to give way to a part time Masters, a full time job and becoming a father. Restrictions on my available time meant that if I was going to choose one element of triathlon to concentrate on it would be something I could actually take my young child out with me when I trained. Hence a new love of running was uncovered. Previously running had been the worst of the three triathlon legs for me, but before too long I became equally strong across them all.
I've had many conversations with cyclists over the years about what happens when you change from cycling to running. The common thread of the conversation is losing top end speed because of the different muscle groups involved in each sport. Fortunately for me what I lose in strength I make up in endurance and climbing ability.
Ok, back to the topic. Over the past 15 years I've seen my marathon times drop from 3:16 in 2001 down to 3:00:42 in 2013. Breaking 3 hours for a recreational runner like myself has always been a goal and presents itself as unfinished business This ageing body is not getting any younger and perhaps there's another good marathon left in me. So what to do? This time I've subscribed to the adage that what got me here, won't get me there. I could keep working on the same training programs or switch it up and do something different.

After an 11.3 beep test, a couple of weeks of personal training and not to mention the landscaping work I've been doing in my backyard in between I'm beginning to feel stronger already. Following the mantra that you can only improve what you can measure I've also taken a few basic measurements of biceps, chest, waist, quadriceps and calf muscle to having something to compare with at the end of this self experiment.
And by the way I've barely touched the bike in the past month because I've made it my business to concentrate on running and recovery rather than over training. That Sunday ride will just have to wait until late October, but I still put in an appearance for a post run coffee and muffin with my cycling mates so I'm not losing complete touch. From here on in I'll be posting every couple of weeks as I plot my course towards those goals. In the meantime I'd be keen to hear your stories of unfinished business and whether you achieved your goal and how you did it.
Well done Mick in making a change of strategy, often the hardest thing to do! I'll watch your progress with interest. Thinking about unfinished business, I think everything is really. For me it's about faithfully developing a Blogspot blog, Mental Health at Midlife, while maintaining my very enjoyable and tiring professional social work role, and being a family man - and doing all this in a loving way.Definitely a work in progress, but that is the joy of living...