Bucks day on Wheels

Just when you think you've seen it all. Saturday morning started out much like any other - riding down to the local tennis courts to watch my two older boys play tennis, talk cycling with the other parents - then all of a sudden I catch two guys without bikes swapping vintage riding jerseys like the ones Lance was wearing when he was doped to the eyeballs and seemingly at the top of his game. It seemed to be a case of that one fits better on you than me. Perhaps it was a case of male insecurity. Does my gut look big in this? That's the thing about lycra, you can't hide anything. I'm more inclined to say who cares what you look like, just get out there and ride. An hour later I'm on my way home and I spotted a group of 25 plus guys all in various arrays of riding gear having a BBQ and drinking beers in the park. Surely there's got to be a story in that I thought to myself. As I got closer I realised something was missing among t...