To Helmet or not to Helmet?

To Helmet or not to helmet, that is the question . Apologies to Shakespeare and his great work in Hamlet, not Helmet. According to Wikipedia , in his speech a despondent Prince Hamlet contemplates death and suicide. He bemoans the pains and unfairness of life but acknowledges the alternative might be still worse. Sure enough Hamlet was talking about avenging the death of his father, not about whether it should be compulsory to wear helmets in the face of possibly worse consequences without one. Helmet laws - now there's a divisive topic in Australia right now without any middle ground. On one hand, all states and territories have mandated the compulsory wearing of helmets for cyclists. This is regarded by many as an extreme position introduced by 'nanny states' to deny people the personal freedom to choose whether to wear a helmet or not. Similarly civil libertarians are lining up on the right to defend people's rights to choose to helmet or not helmet. As Libe...