Cycling, Coffee, Music & Action

Have to admit I've been a little distracted with work and other pursuits for the past few months, which has not left a lot of time for blogging about cycling culture. I'm hoping that just like a good ride can blow out the cobwebs and get me refocused, a stimulating encounter of the sensory kind might be enough to get back to the blog I enjoy writing. Whilst out for my run yesterday morning I spotted a tent set up next to the bike path near the corner of Nicholson and Park Sts in North Fitzroy. Must be counting bikes for a survey I thought. Hang on a minute it's a little too early for Ride to Work Day on Wednesday the 16th October. Oh well I'll stop and check it out on the way back. Well I have to hand it to the clever folk at St Ali cafe in North Carlton, as they really know how to capture the attention of the passing traffic. About 100m from the tent was a young lady with a smile and promises of more ahead. Yes that's her below. ...