Wheel Friends
One of things which really stands out about cyclists is the strong tendency to look out for each other. If you are out for a bunch ride and get a flat and have to pull over to change a tube, your mates riding with you are going to pull over and wait for you or even render assistance if it's needed. If I'm riding solo, riders going past will often slow and ask if everything's ok and I'll do the same. There's an instant trust, camaraderie and willingness to help because you are one of us which you just don't get if you're stranded in your car. I've done it myself and just driven past someone in a car and it's not that I don't want to help, but mechanics is not my strong suit, it feels kind of creepy nowadays to help a complete stranger and the person seems to be on their mobile phone to their local roadside assistance provider. My Dad on the other hand is one of those people who will stop and render assistance. A backyard mecha...