Dirty Warrny - A big day by Anthony Somers

Part two of the Brunswick CC Dirty Warrny recap is by Anthony Somers, who is a veteran of a couple of Melbourne to Warrnambools in recent times, and knows what it takes to have a long day in the saddle. Rolled up for my first attempt at the Dirty Warrny, a 251 km ride (but not a race, yeah right) from the edge of Geelong to the centre of Warrnambool. Over 200 kilometres of the course is on gravel and has well over 3,000 m of climbing, so I knew I was in for a long day. I was riding with longtime friend, Craig Fry, we met in 1988 as Monash first year students, he the worldly art student, me the immature engineer. Craig is a diesel, he can go all day. My characteristics are built on years of Northern Combine road racing and crits, so more used to surging, but not the distance. Preparation is everything. Luckily, Craig had insisted we ride the full course a month before and while I cursed him at the time, now had some confidence that I would be able to finish. The only concern was t...