2023 Year in Review

If someone had asked me five years ago, at what level do you think your cycling will be at in 2023. I would have replied better than where I am now. In 2018, aged 50 I dipped my toe into the local road racing scene as a novice in D Grade. Looking back on the year, 2023 is the year where I became a more rounded cyclist. What I mean by that is being competitive in a wider range of events and better race craft. Highlights from Strava The type of riding I did this year varied more from previous, where I focussed on Zone 2 riding for the first four months of the year as I prepared for an Ironman and I credit this with the improvement experienced. Following the Ironman , I returned to road racing and had my most successful season ever, with 8 podium finishes and that promotion to C grade that I had been working on for a few years. All up, I completed 29 events across triathlon (Olympic, Half and Full IM), Individual and Team Time Trials, ...