Ironman Port Macquarie 2023

As I posted in my pre-Ironman blog, Shutup and take my money ! twelve months ago, I decided to do an ironman, checked with my wife and committed to sleeping in the study if I was really tired. Then I entered the event, convinced a mate to join me, booked the accommodation and the flights. I also had a medical checkup and blood tests done to make sure I had no underlying health issues. During my 2022 Year in Review , I set myself the goal of finishing in the top 25% of my age group, which is around where I placed when I was doing regular triathlons before children. After four and a half months of training off the back of a road cycling season, I was ready for the event, or so I thought. The truth is nothing can totally prepare you for an Ironman and nor should it. As the saying goes, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it and to quote Mike Tyson, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." But firstly, a warning, some of this...