Pedaling Click Bait or Serious Issues?

I was fortunate to spend the Easter long weekend with family near Wangaratta in the North-East of Victoria. Wangaratta is the home town of Olympic 4000m team pursuit gold medalist Dean Woods and is host to several annual road and track cycling events. In addition to getting out for a ride on some relatively quiet country roads, one of the things I enjoy is reading the local newspaper. When reading the most recent copy of the Wangaratta Chronicle, I read a letter to the editor in which the author complained about cyclists riding whilst using a mobile phone and the need for cyclists to be registered. Stopping for a coffee after a ride, I overheard a table of fellow cyclists discussing the same letter. Clearly the feedback was gaining traction in the local community. After speaking with the editor of the paper, I found out that the story that prompted this letter was the most recent local cycling fatality ba...