Pedalling Ale

Few drinks slake a hot summer’s day thirst like a cold beer. Lager, bitter, wheat beer, Ale, Pilsner or stout, we all have our favourites. But it’s winter in Melbourne and the love of a cold beer goes on. A couple of weeks ago I went down the local football ground to watch the second half of the game. As I wandered along the outer wing I spied a small slab of Victoria Bitter strapped to a bike rack, complete with a Kransky in a roll resting on top. The bike was angled on the slight rise so the next beer would just roll out gravity assisted. A couple of geniuses if you ask me. Fortunately for Matt & Matt pictured below it was about 10 degrees and the beer would stay cool for the remainder of the afternoon without any ice. Like many great inventions Matt stumbled across the idea after going to his local bottle shop and wondered how he was going to get his mini slab home. Eureka, the bike rack and a couple of octopus straps saved the...