What if Everyone Rode a Bike?

I was reading a Mizuno advertisement recent which posed the question, "what if everyone ran?" Great question I thought and next I plugged my question into my search engine "what if everyone rode a bike?" and discovered I wasn't the first. Rather than write a blog on the topic I'm going to throw this question out to my blog readers, twitter followers, Linked In colleagues and Facebook family and friends for the next week. Here's your chance to write a line or two, a whole paragraph or a page. Make it fun, make it serious. To quote a tag line from another shoe maker, just do it! Your thoughts will be pulled together and updated in this blog next week....... Well ok, it's been more than a week and if I was a journalist with a deadline I would have been sacked by now. Here goes. To draw this question to an overdue conclusion, one of the best replies I had to this question was from a winemaker who lives in the Yarra Valley and...