Pedalling Fashion or Function?

Sometimes function needs to overtake fashion. Check out these stylish numbers top left. Last year it was one of those winter days when the weather bureau got it wrong and the afternoon ride home was not going to be as dry as expected. The rain was bucketing down and I didn't bring my overshoes with me. The desperate man in me scavenged the office for plastic bags to cover my shoes and these 3kg courier satchels were just the thing. I placed one over each shoe, taped them firmly around my legs and the plastic was flexible enough for the cleats to clip into the pedals without causing the bag to break. Needless to say that my feet were the driest part of me after my 18km ride home and I wondered how they would have gone on my hands. I can see the headlines now "Crab Man rides bike in rain". The other family contribution is courtesy of my 12 year old niece in Canada who wrapped her socked feet in plastic bags to keep them warm and dry dur...