
Showing posts from April, 2014

If the law is an ass, then who's protecting yours?

Eugene McGee  and   Kimberley Davis   are names you probably aren't familiar with, nor are their victims Ian Humphrey and a Koroit man, but for reasons which I'll highlight they should be along with Amy Gillett , herself a victim of a driver who lost control and collided with a bunch of cyclists in 2005.  As much as I've no desire to turn this blog into a name and shame tabloid style, I can't stand by and watch injustice pass by without saying something about recent news stories I’ve pieced together for this blog. The  Warnambool Standard  recently carried a story about the court case of Kimberley Davis, who collided with a male cyclist on the 20th September 2013 while sending and receiving text messages.  The offence resulted in  a $4500 fine and loss of licence for nine months. The Koroit man suffered  a spinal fracture and spent a significant time in hospital.  The original prognosis of being left a paraplegic was fortunately inc...

Night Rider

Apologies to those of you whose hearts skipped a beat and were suddenly transported back to the 80's TV show starring David Hasselhoff and Kitt. Those of us in the southern hemisphere are moving into shorter days and more time spent riding in the dark.  Yes, we are Night Riders and the only flashing lights you'll see are those which adorn our bikes. Having to work back late I was faced with a more than a few choices as to how I was going to get home a lift home with my work colleague, which would have meant leaving the bike at work riding to the nearest railway station and catching two trains, which would have meant having to face those smug Collingwood supporters whose team had just had given my beloved Richmond a thumping at the MCG get a taxi, which is no easy thing in that neighbourhood at that time on a Friday night ride home on the road, which only takes 40min to cover the 18km, but still left me more exposed to the odd idiot on the road take the bike p...