If the law is an ass, then who's protecting yours?

Eugene McGee and Kimberley Davis are names you probably aren't familiar with, nor are their victims Ian Humphrey and a Koroit man, but for reasons which I'll highlight they should be along with Amy Gillett , herself a victim of a driver who lost control and collided with a bunch of cyclists in 2005. As much as I've no desire to turn this blog into a name and shame tabloid style, I can't stand by and watch injustice pass by without saying something about recent news stories I’ve pieced together for this blog. The Warnambool Standard recently carried a story about the court case of Kimberley Davis, who collided with a male cyclist on the 20th September 2013 while sending and receiving text messages. The offence resulted in a $4500 fine and loss of licence for nine months. The Koroit man suffered a spinal fracture and spent a significant time in hospital. The original prognosis of being left a paraplegic was fortunately inc...