Bike Bonding
Let's get this clear, this topic has nothing to do with me going out to my man cave, gloving up and lovingly applying generous amounts of lubricant to my chain, followed by a vigorous rubbing of the chain with a rag to remove it and the built up road grime followed by a leaner coating of lube and another wipe. That's called maintenance and should be done at least every 100 to 150kms to keep your drive train clean and to maximise the life of my chain. One of the great things I like about riding is .... the whole bike community which is instantly joinable when you find yourself at the lights admiring someone else's ride, complementing them on their steed or engaging in small talk of where they're riding from and to. It's one of the few modes of transport where it's completely acceptable to start a conversation with a complete stranger and there's a strong chance they'll reciprocate. In my teens the presence of a road bike at our cam...